Experts 360 Consultancy Company
Founded on Proven Expertise
Our company was established in 2021 by Eng. Lara Khozouz, drawing on over 25 years of proven experience in managing diverse, large-scale projects in Facilities Management and related sectors.
Pioneers in Jordan
We are proud to be the first local consultancy firm in Jordan specializing in providing Facilities Management advisory services, setting the standard for excellence in this field.
Comprehensive Service Offering
We provide a broad range of consultancy services across various sectors, including Real Estate, Project Management, Facilities Management, Operations and Maintenance, Engineering, and Building Management.
A Vision of Collaboration
Guided by our founder’s extensive experience and Associates, we strive to be a one-stop solution for all stakeholders at every stage of Facilities Management, from design to construction and ongoing operations.
Address: Amman – Jordan
Main Contact: Lara Khozouz / Founder & CEO
Tel: +96264165089
Mobile: +962777444004
Email: [email protected]