Initial Owns & Operates 7 service offerings including Engineering, Cleaning, Landscaping, Pest Control, Security, Support Services and comprehensive TFM services. This allows for an effective in-house service delivery and supply chain network that is one of the largest in Saudi Arabia.
Having a manpower facility, Workforce, allows INITIAL to mobilize swiftly, whilst maintaining operating standards as the project transitions.
INITIAL is certified in the following areas: BICSc, National Pest Management Association, British Pest Control Association, British Association of Landscaping Industries, as well as members of MEFMA, ISSA and SFG20.

Address: 7871 Hamad Al Hokiel Street, Ar Rawdah, Jeddah


Main Contact: Diosa Basoy Olido / Executive Secretary

Mobile: +966556650412

Email: [email protected]