Real Estate House Co. (K.S.C)

Real Estate House (REH) (K.S.C) Closed is considered the real estate arm of the Beyout Investment Group Holding based in Kuwait. REH provides many specialized real estate and facility management services with high quality and efficiency. Those services are focused on managing facilities, other commercial properties, and BOT projects. REH services also include real estate trading, marketing and brokerage. In addition, the company develops specialized plans and programs, to support tenants and customers through the application of refined solutions such as “The 247 Program”. The program is set to support facility management, maintenance activities, and customer service around the clock 7 days a week. The company has achieved great success, not only by providing Real Estate Solutions, but also by applying innovative development concepts in the real estate market which contribute to the economic development in the State of Kuwait.

Our Vision:

Providing quality services that exceed our customer’s expectations.

Our Mission:

To build long-term relationships with tenants and clients, by providing exceptional services and continuing to work using the values of innovation and advanced technology.

Our Aim:

To be the leading company in the real estate development and services sector in the State of Kuwait.

Our Values:

The belief that a business’ success is based on the trust and respect earned from our clients. We grow the business through creativity, invention and innovation, where we base our client relationships on honesty, integrity and ethics of business. We also apply our values to all other aspects of our professional performance.

  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Respect
  • Passion

REH Team:

REH is characterized by having a professional and highly efficient team in all its sectors. The team is dedicated to preparing various plans based on our customer’s requirements and according to the work strategy assigned to each sector separately. We are always keen to provide reliable advice and guidance, and apply them into our core business and programs accurately and professionally to integrate with the other sectors of the company to reflect positively on the success of our future vision.

Address: Sharq, AlShuhadaa Street, Alghawali Complex, 5th Floor PO Box 2991 Safat 13030, Kuwait


 Main Contact: Ali Mohamed Al-Kulaib / CEO

Tel: +965 22320141

Mobile: +965 90038004

Email: [email protected]