TAD (Total Facilities Management)
Established in 2015, Tad is a Total Facilities Management Service Provider, focuses on delivering a complete suite of both hard and soft offerings to companies across Eastern Africa.
Headquartered in Khartoum, Sudan, Tad has grown 4 over the last four years to become one of the most distinguished facilities management companies across the entirety of the region. Boasting a team of more than one thousand full-time employees, the firm have worked alongside some of the biggest national and international companies that operate in the region, including Ericsson, Zain, UN, Huawei, NGO’s and Embassies.
With a razor-sharp focus, the firm’s award-winning facilities management services specialize in the commercial real estate sphere. Where businesses, companies and corporations require spaces that fulfil their requirements, Tad makes it a reality. Using the latest computer-aided facilities management software, Concept Evolution from FSI, TAD can develop and deliver customised service level agreements that meet and exceed client expectations for both hard and soft services.
TAD has been awarded the internationally recognised ISO 41001: 2018 certification in International Facility Management Standards to be the first ISO 41001 Certified Sudanese FM company. What truly differentiates TAD from their competitors however, is their outstanding commitment to nothing less than excellence in every single thing they do, and their constant innovation to make their services even better.
Unquestionably, one of TAD’s crowning achievements in their in-house training center. A one-of-a-kind facility within the Eastern Africa region, the center is the firm’s way of delivering on their corporate and social responsibility to help the local community. By learning a new skill at Tad, trainees can learn for free, whilst receiving daily allowances, meals, and a certified qualification at the end. Graduates can then choose to either stay with the company, if there are positions available, or seek other jobs in the market with their newfound accreditation. A shining example of how a business should be run, TAD Total Facilities Management are a beacon of
hope and excellence across Eastern Africa. Delivering unparalleled real estate and property services for commercial building, whilst also helping immigrants from deserted and war-torn countries.
Address: Seteen Street east of Bashaier Petrol Satiation 7031 Khartoum, Sudan
Website: http://www.tadtfm.com/
Main Contact:-Amna Rasikh – Business Development Manger
Tel: +24183524744
Mobile: +249912395331
Email: [email protected]